The Elk has been hot the last few days! With good flows and hot weather the Cutthroat have really keyed into eating Ants and Terrestrials. Large Ant hatches are happening throughout the day making it great fishing for the entire day. On cooler cloudy days and some evenings we are seeing small mayfly hatches where fishing small Wulffs and Parachutes is effective.
Suggested Dries for the Elk: B-52 Flying Ant, Black Fat Albert, Black Para Ant, Cinnamon Para Ant, Para Hares Ear, Para Purple Haze, GT Adams.
Michel has been very consistent with Drake Hatches. Mornings and evenings are typically the best time for Drakes and is fishing well on Ants and Beetles throughout the day. The water is getting low but is still fishable with large fish that are eager to eat.
Suggested Dries for the Michel: GT Green Drake, Para Olive Haze, Para Purple Haze, Black Fat Albert, B-52 Flying Ant, Fire Beetle.
The Wigwam has been fishing great for Cutthroat. The Wigwam is getting Drake hatches along with Mahogany Duns and Ants. The Cutthroat will typically eat all day on dry flies making there no need to nymph. The Bull Trout are throughout the system but are dormant the majority of the day. Nymphs will most likely be your best bet throughout the day. Streamers may work in the early morning and late evenings but Nymphs will be the most effective.
Suggested Dries For the Wigwam: GT Mahogany, GT Green Drake, Para Cinnamon Ant, Para Black Ant, Black Fat Albert.