August 20, 2015 River Update

The Elk is running very low and perfect for walk and wading. Cutthroat are looking up and eager to eat dries and with the hot weather fishing terrestrial patterns has brought success, as well as small mayfly patterns.

Suggested dry flies for the elk are: GT Adams, H&L Variant, B-52 Flying Ant, Tan Fat Albert, Noble Chernobyl Red, and the Hot Spot Beetle. Michel and its tributaries are still closed because of low/warm water levels along with coal creek, morrisey Creek, and lizard creek.

The wigwam is running low an clear as usual. The cutthroat are active and eating lots of dries while the bull trout are fairly dormant and not eating a ton. Suggested cutthroat flies for the wigwam are: Mahogany Dun, GT Green Drake, Orange Fat Albert, and the B-52 Flying Ant.

Recommended flies for the bull trout are: Circus Peanut Black, Egghead Tan, Olive/Tan Double Bunny, Egg Patterns, Black Stonefly Nymph, and Mice. IMPORTANT NOTICE: A female black bear and 2 cubs have been spotted in the flats just below the mouth of Lodgepole Creek. The Bull River is low/clear and fishing great. Ants, beetles, small mayflies, and basic attractor patterns have been effective for dries. Recommended Dry flies for the Bull are: B-52 Flying Ant, Hot Spot Beetle, Tan Fat Albert, GT Adams, and the Speckled PMX.

Hope to see you in the shop soon!

More info on river closures here —->

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