Happy Canada Day!
The Elk River and tributaries are fishing hot, hot, hot, and the weather has been hot too. The river is running that nice emerald green color with the flow rates about mid to end July levels.
Bugs in the evenings have been Western Green Drakes, some PMD’s.
Day time fishing has been hot on big dries like the Royal Wulff, Adams parachutes all in sizes 10,12. Still seeing loads of Golden Stones so Orange stimulators and Seducers sizes #6 have been really good. Lime sally’s have been hatching everywhere with the PMX in Royal and green chartreuse size 10,12. Nymphing stone fly nymphs in black and golden, green drakes nymphs sizes 8-10, Pheasant tail nymphs seem to be the go. Streamer fishing has been very good for large Bull trout with a 15lb fish this week topping the charts.
See you in the shop and enjoy the holiday fishing.