July 30th River Report

After a day of dirty water the Elk is back and fishing great! It has a good flow and big Bugs are bringing fish to the surface. Terrestrials such as ants, beetles and hoppers have been effective along with Mayflies. The fishing on the Elk is only expected to get better with our hot and dry weather!

Suggested Dries for the Elk: Super Chernobyl Purple, Willy’s Ant Red, Noble Chernobyl Hopper (Tan or Red), B-52 Flying Ant, Black Fat Albert, Tan Fat Albert, Fire Beetle, Amy’s Ant Red, H&L Variant, Royal Wulff.

Michel Creek is running lower than normal for this time of year but it is still fishing well. Large terrestrial patterns are working well throughout the day and mayflies are working in the evening. Ants and beetles would be a go to, but hoppers will work as well. Drakes, PMDs and basic Mayfly attractor patterns will work in the evening.

Suggested Dries for the Michel: Fire Beetle, Black Fat Albert, Black Parachute Ant, Royal Wulff, H&L Variant.

The Wigwam is full of dormant Bull Trout spread throughout the system. Bull Trout will typically not eat until the last hour of light or the first in the morning. Nymphs Eggs and streamers should do the trick for the bulls.The Cutties are big and will eat on top. Ants and Mahogany Duns are effective as well as Beetle Patterns.

Suggested Dries For the Wigwam: GT Mahogany, Black Parachute Ant, Black Fat Albert, H&L Variant.

Happy Fishing!

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