May 27, 2017 River Report

All rivers are closed until June 15th. The lakes have continued to fish very well over the last couple of weeks. For us, Loon, Edwards, and Summit have been producing the most.

Summit has really been fishing well on chironomids. Summit is easily accessible and the great thing about it is it’s ability to be effectively fished from shore. Before dark fish will also eat leeches close to shore. Come down to the shop to pick up some of our chironomids that we’ve specifically tied for summit.

Loon is a great lake to fish if you have a boat. It can be tough but it produces some of the largest and strongest rainbows we’ve ever seen. The fish in Loon are willing to eat streamers as well fishing chironomids over weed beds can also be effective. The lake fishes the best when it is overcast and with a little bit of chop to give you cover as the water is crystal clear. On bright sunny days the fish will most likely be deep and less active.

Edwards is another great lake to fish if you have a boat. The fish in Edwards will eat dragonfly nymphs this time of year as well as chironomids, streamers, and leeches. Fishing over deep troughs with full sink lines is effective as well as hanging chironomids under indicators are good tactics. Shallow areas in the lake provide good sight fishing opportunities.

Happy fishing!

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