With the weather cooling off a bit the Elk is now small, clear, and easily wade fishable. The cutthroat have been very active and are eating dry flies.
Ants, beetles, hoppers, and smaller GTs (14s and smaller) have been very effective. Recommended dries for the Elk are the B-52 Flying Ant, GT Green Drake, GT PMD, Black Fat Albert, and Con Carne Hopper.
Michel creek is now very small but still fishing well. However we encourage people to fish the Elk over Michel because the creek is now getting warm and it is hard on the fish to be caught in warm water.
The wigwam is low/clear, fishing well on dries for cutthroat and is stacked with bull trout however they are very dormant and very selective on what they eat. For dries Mahogany Duns, Green Drakes, and Orange Fat Alberts are fishing well.
The Bull River is also Low/Clear and is fishing great. The cutthroat are actively eating dries and there is lots of them. Suggested dry flies for the Bull are Black Fat Alberts, Speckled PMX, Green Drakes, and B-52 Flying Ants. For bull trout in all rivers recommended flies are Black Circus Peanuts, White and Olive Double Bunnies, Black Stoneflies, and eggs (especially on the wigwam).
Hope to see you soon!